科研プロジェクト グローバル化に向けた日本語の語彙テスト開発



Research Aims

In this research, we aim to develop a test that measures the Japanese language ability of those that use the Japanese language on single scale through measuring Japanese vocabulary breadth. Using the vocabulary volume test for Japanese non-native speakers that has already been developed by Matsushita (research project member), we performed development of a vocabulary volume test concerning general vocabulary for those with various backgrounds that utilize Japanese. Furthermore, we are developing a test related to academic vocabulary and kanji abilities required for university study. By doing this, we believe that we can contribute to the development of curriculum for learners with diverse backgrounds in Japanese.

We primarily use Rush Analysis to verify the validity of the test in this research. Because there are very few Japanese vocabulary tests that have been created with rigorous validity verification using Rush Analysis as the main criteria, we believe that we can greatly contribute to further research in the field of Japanese language education.