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Even elementary learners can read various stories from this site. You are free to make secondary use of the materials on this website without permission if they are not specifically marked for copyright protection, and only for educational purposes. However, you may not upload any of the materials on this website to other websites, or use for commercial purposes without permission from the authors of the materials and this website's operators.
平和のための読み物 Readings for Peace
[Level 2] グレートオーシャンロード[Level 3] シュモーさんが残してくれたもの
[Level 3] 恩師 岩佐幹三先生
おすすめ Recommendations
[Level 1] 「クボ・イワ」:バリ 島のお話[Level 2] 日本のお寺・神社・教会
[Level 3] 広島のポンプ : 私を残してください