東京大学 松下達彦研究室 松下言語学習ラボMatsushita Laboratory for Language Learning. University of Tokyo.


Language · World · Learning - My thoughts -

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Obirin University Group Sakura "Language Learning aiming for Autonomy"『自律を目指すことばの学習』 >>>Introduction
青木直子・中田賀之編『学習者オートノミー 日本語教育と外国語教育の未来のために』ひつじ書房

Essays on 'Research and Education'

Japanese Teacher Recommended TV program list (Excel 45 KB) (August 3, 2013)


No copyrights, processing / transfer is free. . However, we are not responsible for the content. Proposals on addition to lists are greatly appreciated.
Especially information on television programs that can be enjoyed by those at elementary level and intermediate level are welcome.
Even if it is not for everyone, if you can provide us information with comments about the program content, we will consider it for the list. Information from learners is also welcomed.
