東京大学 松下達彦研究室 松下言語学習ラボMatsushita Laboratory for Language Learning. University of Tokyo.


List of Publications

Dissertations * Master's degree or above

  • Matsushita, T. (2012). In what order should learners learn Japanese vocabulary? A corpus-based approach. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Matsushita, T. (松下達彦) (1992) 派生名詞句の構造と意味・機能 [Structure, meaning and function of Japanese derived noun phrases]. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Nagoya University

Refereed Journal Articles

Invited Journal Articles

Other Journal Articles * Paper collections, papers of research journals, journal articles, preliminary manuscripts of oral presentations, etc.

Edited Books

  • Matsushita T. (2016) Chapter 3 「コーパス出現頻度から見た語彙シラバス」[Vocabulary Syllabuses Based on Corpus Occurrence Frequency], Atsushi Mori Edition (Co-written by 15 people) 『ニーズを踏まえた語彙シラバス』[Vocabulary Syllabus Based on Needs] Kuroshio Publishers, October 2016, pp. 53-77
    Data used for analysis of each chapter http://www.9640.jp/genba/
  • Agency for Cultural Affairs (a subsection of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) (Ed.) (文化庁(10人の共著)(2009)『日本語学習・生活ハンドブック』) (2009)日本語学習の方法 [Methods of learning Japanese]; 日本語学習の場所 [Where to learn Japanese]., 日本語学習・生活ハンドブック [Handbook of learning Japanese and life in Japan], 84-93; 94-103. (There are five versions of English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese. These can be downloaded fromhttp://www.bunka.go.jp/kokugo_nihongo/kyouiku/handbook/ .)
  • 桜美林大学日本語プログラム「グループさくら」 (12人の共著)[“Group Sakura”, Obirin University Japanese Language Programme (Ed.) (“Group Sakura” consists of 12 contributors including Matsushita, T.)] (2007).
    自律を目指すことばの学習 さくら先生のチュートリアル [Language learning towards autonomy: Sakura-sensei’s tutorial]. Tokyo: Bonjinsha. 245pp.
  • アルク日本語出版編集部編(2000)『日本語教育能力検定試験 第10回~第12回 傾向徹底分析問題集』アルク,(38名による共著、下記「一般論文、その他の刊行物」 の(8)(15)が再録されたもの)松下執筆分:p.127-130・150-151、2000年8月
  • アルク日本語出版編集部編(2000)『日本語教育能力検定試験 第7回~第9回 傾向徹底分析問題集』アルク,(33名による共著、下記「一般論文、その他の刊行物」 の(5)が再録されたもの)松下執筆分:p. 168-172、2000年5月
  • 日本語教師読本編集部編 [Japanese Techer Reading Editorial Section](1994)『日本語教育能力検定試験 第4回~第6回 傾向徹底分析問題集』[ Japanese Language Education Ability Test Examination 4th -6th Thorough Analysis Questionnaire], ALC Press Inc.(co-authored by 41 people, 下記「一般論文、その他の刊行物」 の(2)が再録されたもの)Written by Matsushita:p.131-135, August 1994
  • Shinya A., Matsushita T. (1994) 『国際学のための日本語上級教科書』[Japanese Language Advanced Textbook for International Studies] Obirin University, (Not for sale, supported by 日本私学振興財団“特色ある教育研究” [Japan Private School Promotion Foundation "Special Education Research"]) 114 pp., March 1994

Database etc.

Online software

  • Suganaga Y., Matsushita T. (2014) 「オンライン日本語テキスト語彙分析器 J-LEX」"J-LEX: An Online Lexical Analyzer of Japanese Texts"
    http://www17408ui.sakura.ne.jp/index.html, March 2014


  • Tsinghua University, Department of Foreign Languages (Ed.) (2001) 新世纪日语教程 [The new century Japanese course.] Attached two cassette tapes (Bando, H. and Matsushita, T.) 北京 [Beijing]: 外研社 [Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press] (This won the second prize of audiovisual material contest 2001 in China.)


Research reports · Implementation reports · Observation reports

  • Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kuribayashi, Y. and Matsushita, T. (2008) Research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 2006-2007 (Foundation research C, research project ID: 18520408, principal investigator: Katsuo Tamaoka): 中国語、韓国語およびトルコ語系日本語学習者の名詞句構造の習得における母語の影響 [First language effects in the acquisition of noun phrase structures by Chinese, Korean and Turkish learners of Japanese].
  • Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kuribayashi, Y. and Matsushita, T. (2006) Research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 2004-2005 (Foundation research C-2, Research project ID: 16520324, principal investigator: KatsuoTamaoka) 中国語、韓国語およびトルコ語を母語とする日本語学習者の日本語語順の習得[Acquisition of Japanese word order by Chinese, Korean and Turkish learners of Japanese].
  • Matsushita, T. (2005) The change of the Japanese language curriculum [日本語カリキュラムの変化], Obirin University, Integrated Research Institute System (Ed.) 2003-2004年度 桜美林大学総合研究開発機構 プログレス・レポート [Progress report 2003-2004: Integrated Research Institute System, Obirin University], 17-25.
  • Matsushita, T. (2005) 第7章 チュートリアルがもたらしたもの「日本語カリキュラムの変化 [Chapter 7: What the tutorials brought about: the change of the Japanese language curriculum.] Twelve volunteers of ObirinUniversity Japanese Language Programme (Saito, N. et. al.) (Eds.) 桜美林大学日本語プログラム2003・2004年度 自律学習を基盤としたチュートリアル活動報告 [Report on autonomous-learning-based tutorial activities in Obirin University Japanese Language Programme] , 235-242.
  • Matsushita, T. and Saito, N. (2005) 第5章 日本語学習リソースセンター「開設の理由と経緯 [Chapter 5: The reason and process for opening the Centre for Japanese Learning Res
  • Tamaoka, K., Matsushita, T. and Makioka, S. (2004) Research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 2002-2003 (Foundation research C-1, Research project ID: 14580333, principal investigator: Katsuo Tamaoka) 中国語系日本語学習者の漢字の意味的ネットワークと漢字熟語の習得 [Acquisition of semantic network and compounds of Kanji by Chinese learners of Japanese].
  • Matsushita, T. (2003) Report: Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW Inc. 澳華公會. (財)神奈川県国際交流協会 [Kanagawa International Association] (Ed.) ピースメッセンジャーかながわ in オーストラリア 多文化な背景の中の子どもたちの教育について考えるスタディーツアー 報告書 [Peace messenger Kanagawa 2002 in Australia: Report from the study tour for education of multi-cultural background children], 34-35.
  • Matsushita, T. (2003) 町田国際協会生活部会 [Machida International Forum, life support section] (Ed.) 第三回 日本語学習支援ボランティア養成講座 ―講義用資料集― [The 3rd course for Japanese language learning support volunteers: lecture handouts], 3-24, 66-79, 92-93.
  • Tamaoka, K. and Matsushita, T. (2002) Research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 2000-2001 (Foundation research C-1, Research project ID: 12680305, principal investigator: Katsuo Tamaoka) 日本語漢字の理解過程における中国語系日本語学習者の母語の影響 [First language effects in the process of comprehension of Japanese Kanji by Chinese learners].
  • Matsushita, T. (2001). 町田国際協会生活部会 [Machida International Forum, life support section] (Ed.) The 2nd course for Japanese language learning support volunteers: lecture handouts [第二回 日本語学習支援ボランティア養成講座 ―講義用資料集―], 4-11, 72-77, 87-104
  • Matsushita, T. (2000) 外国人留学生の小学校への訪問、交流の効果と具体的問題点 -大学における留学生教育の視点から- [Benefits and specific problems of visiting primary schools by international students: from the standpoint of international student education in universities]. Obirin grass-roots support project for international education (Ed.) 草の根・国際理解教育年報 [Grass Roots: Annual Bulletin on International Education], 2, 85-95.
  • Matsushita, T. (2000) 『外国学生訪問授業』1999年度の総括 ―人の交流を通じた地球市民教育を目指して― [Summary of international student visit programme in 1999: towards global citizenship education through exchanges]. Obirin grass-roots support project for international (Ed.) 草の根・国際理解教育年報 [Grass Roots: Annual Bulletin on International Education], 2, 42-51.
  • Matsushita, T. (2000) 相模原市立宮上小学校の総合学習の取り組みに協力して [Report: collaborative classes at Sagamihara City Miyakami Primary School]. Obirin grass-roots support project for international education (Ed.) 草の根・国際理解教育年報) [Grass Roots: Annual Bulletin on International Education], 2, 10.
  • Matsushita, T. (1999) 外国学生の小中学校等への訪問による交流型/紹介型の国際理解教育 -「訪問大使」システムの立ち上げを目指して- [Interactional international education through the international students’ visits to primary and secondary schools: aiming at getting the ‘ambassador visit’ system started]. 町田市国際理解教育推進委員会 [Machida City Promotion Committee for International Education] (Ed.) 国際理解教育 会報 [International Education Bulletin], 23, 2-3.
  • Matsushita, T. (1995) 1995年日本留学フェア(フィリピン・台湾)の報告と提言 [Report on Japan Education Fair 1995 in Taiwan and the Philippines and some suggestions]. 桜美林大学産業研究所 [Institute for Industry, Obirin University] (Ed.) 産研通信 [Bulletin from the Institute for Industry], 38, 6-8.
  • Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University (名古屋大学大学院文学研究科日本言語文化専攻14名による共同執筆) (fourteen Master’s students including Matsushita, T.) (1992) 1991年度日本語教育実習報告 -短期日本語学習者のための教科書作成と授業実践- [Report on the practicum for teaching Japanese as a second language in 1991: textbook writing and class practicum for short-term learners of Japanese]. pp. 267.

Other publications

  • Matsushita, T.(2016)『日本語・教育・語彙』[Japanese Language・ Education ・Vocabulary](Monthly series on Sanseido website Sanseido Word-Wise Web)From September 2015 - present
  • 石澤徹・岩下真澄・伊志嶺安博・桜木ともみ・松下達彦(2014)平成25年度(公財)日本漢字能力検定協会 漢字・日本語教育助成制度 成果教材『語彙ドン! 講義理解のために学んでおきたい語彙』(非売品)
  • Matsushita, T. (2009) 『複合的判断』の力をつけることを目指して [Towards the cultivation of ‘complex judgement].[週刊]ルビュ言語文化教育 (Revue Langue, Culture et Education (RLCE)), 302.
    URL: http://archive.mag2.com/0000079505/20091009070000000.html (The length of the article is around 1800 characters. The number of ../publication is 1240 on 11 October, 2009.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2009) 第二言語教育に効率は必要である [Efficiency is necessary for second language learning].[週刊]ルビュ言語文化教育 (Revue Langue, Culture et Education (RLCE)), 299.
    URL: http://archive.mag2.com/0000079505/20090918070000000.html (The length of the article is around 1200 characters. The number of ../publication is 1240 on 18 September, 2009.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2009)『支援』か『共闘』か. [‘Support’ or ‘joint struggle’? ] [週刊]ルビュ言語文化教育 (Revue Langue, Culture et Education (RLCE)), [Weekly Review of Language Culture and Education] 298.
    URL: http://archive.mag2.com/0000079505/20090730070000000.html (The length of the article is around 1800 characters. The number of ../publication is 1216 on 30 July, 2009.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2008) 中国語母語学習者によくある誤用、まとめます [Common errors by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], August, 26-27.
  • Matsushita, T. (2008) 著書紹介『自律を目指すことばの学習』 [Author’s note on Language learning towards autonomy]. [週刊]ルビュ言語文化教育 (Revue Langue, Culture et Education (RLCE)), [Weekly Review of Language Culture and Education] 240.
    URL: http://archive.mag2.com/0000079505/20080229070000000.html (The length of the article is around 1200 characters. The number of ../publication is 1294 on 29 February, 2008.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2007) 日中言語習慣比較 中国語母語の学習者の言語習慣の問題 [Comparison on language behaviour: issues of language behaviour by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], February, 45.
  • Matsushita, T. (2006) 日中発音比較 中国語母語の学習者の誤用 [Comparison on pronunciation: common errors by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語[Japanese Language Monthly], December, 41.
  • Matsushita, T. (2006) 日中語彙比較その2 中国語母語の学習者の誤解 [Comparison on vocabulary 2: common misunderstandings by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], October, 37.
  • Matsushita, T. (2006) 日中語彙比較その1 中国語母語の学習者の誤用 [Comparison on vocabulary 1: common errors by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], August, 49.
  • Matsushita, T. (2006) 日中文法比較その2 中国語母語の学習者の誤用 [Comparison on grammar 2: common errors by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], June, 41.
  • Matsushita, T. (2006) 日中文法比較その1 中国語母語の学習者の誤用 [Comparison on grammar: common errors by Chinese learners of Japanese]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], April, 37.
  • Matsushita, T. (2005) 桜美林大学にみる特色ある留学生向け日本語プログラム [Unique Japanese programme for international students at Obirin University]. 留学生新聞 [The International Student Press]. 1st September, 31-32. (The length of the article is around 2200 characters.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2004) タウンミーティングについて [On the town meeting]. 桜美林大学タウンミーティング実行委員会 [Obirin University town meeting committee] (Ed.) 新しい扉 [The new gate], 10-12.
  • Matsushita, T. (2002) ニューカマー、マイノリティにとって利用しやすいリソースとは [What are accessible resources for newcomers and minorities?]. TNVN東京日本語ボランティア・ネットワーク編 [Tokyo Nihongo volunteer network] (Ed.) Nihongo Network News, 39. (The length of the article is around 1600 characters.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2001) コミュニケーション問題としての歴史認識 [Recognition of the history as a communication problem]. Nagoya: The Chunichi (中日新聞), the evening edition, 17th July 2001. (The length of the article is around 1700 characters. The circulation is approximately 650000.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2000) 日本語教育界ニュース: 言語政策の提言を目指して -第1回日本言語政策研究発表会 [Japanese language education news ‘Towards the proposal for language policies: a note on the first research meeting of Japan Association for Language Policy’]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], July, 75. (Reprinted in にほんごの会 会報 [The Newsletter of Nihongo-no-kai], 98, October, 2000.)
  • Matsushita, T. (2000) 対照言語学 [Contrastive linguistics]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], January, 62-63.
  • Matsushita, T. (1999) 日本語学概論 [An introduction to Japanese Linguistics]. 2000年度版 日本語教育能力検定試験 合格するための本 [Towards your success in Japanese language teaching competency test 2000 ]. Tokyo: Alc, 62-67. (Recollected in The Alc Editorial Department of Japanese (Ed.) (2000) 日本語教育能力検定試験 第10回~第12回 傾向徹底分析問題集 [Exercise book for Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test: a thorough analysis of trends from 10th to 12th test]. Tokyo: Alc, 150-151.
  • Matsushita, T. (1999) 人生を変えた5日間 -S氏夫妻に捧ぐ- [The five days that changed my life: dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. S]. 桜美林大学外国語教育センター (Obirin University, Foreign Language Education Centre) (Ed.) 外国語に強くなるために [To improve your foreign language]. Internal ../publication. Tokyo: Obirin University, 19-21.
  • Matsushita, T. (1999) インターネットで見る地域日本語学習支援 [Local Japanese language learning supports through the internet]. にほんごの会 会報 [The Newsletter of Nihongo-no-kai], 85, 1.
  • Matsushita, T. (1999) 対照言語学 [Contrastive linguistics]. 月刊日本語 [Japanese Language Monthly], February, 64-65.
  • Matsushita, T. (1998) 日本語教育と留学生支援の立場から [From the standpoints of Japanese language education and supports for international students]. 異文化間教育学会 (Intercultural Education Society of Japan) (Ed.)異文化間教育学会 news letter [Intercultural Education Society of Japan News Letter], 35, 9-10.
  • Matsushita, T. (1998) 本物のコミュニケーションのために [Towards real communication]. にほんごの会 会報 [The Newsletter of Nihongo-no-kai], 80, 1.
  • Matsushita, T. (1998) 身につけるということ [What is acquisition?]. にほんごの会 会報 [The Newsletter of Nihongo-no-kai], 79, 1.
  • Matsushita, T. (1998) 合格するための分野別要点整理と問題演習[言語学概論・対照言語学][Towards your success: the essentials and exercises in general linguistics and contrastive linguistics]. '98日本語教育能力検定試験 合格するための本 [Towards your success in Japanese language teaching competency test 1998]. Tokyo: Alc, 139-148. (Recollected in The Alc Editorial Department of Japanese (Ed.) (2000) 日本語教育能力検定試験 第10回~第12回 傾向徹底分析問題集 [Exercise book for Japanese language teaching competency test: a thorough analysis of trends from 10th to 12th test]. Tokyo: Alc, 127-130.
  • Matsushita, T. (1996) 分野別実力完成問題[対照言語学][Competency completion exercises: contrastive linguistics]. '97日本語教育能力検定試験 直前ポイント整理 [Last-minute points for Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 1997]. Tokyo: Alc, 97-100.
  • Matsushita, T. (1996) 直前ワンポイント勉強法&実力チェックテスト[対照言語学] [Last-minute one-point measures and checking quizzes: contrastive linguistics]. 97日本語教育能力検定試験 直前ポイント整理 [Last-minute points for Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test1997]. Tokyo: Alc, 40-41.
  • Matsushita, T. (1996) 分野別練習問題[語彙・意味] [Exercises: lexicology and semantics]. 日本語教育能力検定試験 '97合格するための本 [Towards your success in Japanese language teaching competency test 1997]. Tokyo: Alc, 126-129. (Recollected in The Alc Editorial Department of Japanese (Ed.) (2000) 日本語教育能力検定試験 第7回~第9回 傾向徹底分析問題集 [Exercise book for Japanese language teaching competency test: a thorough analysis of trends from 7th to 9th test]. Tokyo: Alc, 168-172.
  • Matsushita, T. (1996)分野別要点整理[語彙・意味 [The essentials: lexicology and semantics]. 日本語教育能力検定試験'97 合格するための本 [Towards your success in Japanese language teaching competency test 1997]. Tokyo: Alc, 42-49.
  • Matsushita, T. (1992) 基礎を固める新作問題 問題19・問題20、解答・解説 [Q. 19 & Q. 20, answers and explanation, the new exercises for consolidating the foundation]. 日本語教育能力検定試験 合格するための本'93 [Towards your success in Japanese language teaching competency test 1993]. Tokyo: Alc, 129-131; 167-169. (Recollected in The editorial department of handbooks for Japanese language teachers (Ed.) (1994) 日本語教育能力検定試験 第4回~第6回 傾向徹底分析問題集 [Exercise book for Japanese language teaching competency test: a thorough analysis of trends from 4th to 6th test]. Tokyo: Alc, 131-135.
  • Matsushita, T. (1992) 分野別・知識の要点整理[対照言語学] 日本語と中国語の対照研究 [The essentials: contrastive linguistics between Japanese and Chinese]. 日本語教育能力検定試験 合格するための本'93 [Towards your success in Japanese language teaching competency test 1993]. Tokyo: Alc, 78-81.